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Dan + Shay Says Christmas Can Start Whenever You Want It To

Dan + Shay Says Christmas Can Start Whenever You Want It To

There are people who wait until the last minute to prepare for Christmas, then there’s people who have their decorations out as soon as they can…and Dan + Shay says both methods are OK.

That’s what their new holiday song, “Officially Christmas” is all about.

Dan Smyers says “So, people often debate when is it OK to start celebrating Christmas…when is it OK to decorate for Christmas… some say if the day after Halloween some say you gotta wait till Thanksgiving but the way we see it, it’s officially Christmas whenever you feel it in your heart. We wrote this song about that…we wanted people to have an anthem, when they felt the Christmas spirit they could probably celebrate it and say it’s officially Christmas.”

Check out the music video for “Officially Christmas” from Dan + Shay…

Photo Courtesy Of Dan + Shay


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